Sunday, November 2, 2008

New York's Holy Day

Today is one of New York City's Holy Days: Marathon Sunday.

Today, over 30,000 come from around the world to run 26.2 miles through every borough. World class champions and everyday first-timers are all out there at the same time, running the same race.

As they run down 4th Avenue in Brooklyn, they're introduced to churches, synagogues, mosques, and an international crowd that has no rival. The noise they will hear as they hit 1st Ave in Manhattan for the first time, will give them a boost of energy that will hopefully last 'till the end.

On Marathon Sunday almost 3 million New Yorkers and visitors hit the streets to support the runners. People from around the world and different faith backgrounds supporting runners from around the world and different faith backgrounds.

On Marathon Sunday, everyone is a New Yorker, and that's all that matters.

God bless New York City today.

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