Friday, August 29, 2008

I was right!

Today is a great day for the United States of America. First, because I was right! And second, because of progress.

On Wednesday I made my guesses for the Top 3 possibilities for McCain's VP:

I chose Sarah Palin because she's conservative enough so that McCain won't lose as many votes to Bob Barr or the Conservative Party and she brings youth and a fresh face to the ticket.

Plus, she's a woman. Now, I know that John McCain is not dumb enough to think that Hillary Clinton's supporters will vote for Sarah Palin simply because she's a woman. If he wanted that, he would have chosen somebody more towards the center, a moderate Republican. Sarah Palin is not a moderate.

However, just as with any political election, there's a whole bunch of people out there that vote for superficial reasons. And, I know for certain (because I know some of them) that there are people who will now vote for John McCain simply because he has a woman on the ticket. Nothing to do with her qualifications, all about the gender. They are few but they do exist.

Smart move by John McCain today. And, oh yeah, I was right! But so was my friend, Paul Snatchko! (and to be honest, I've been hearing about Palin from his blog for months).

On to progress: As of noon today we know that unless something catastrophic happens in the next few months, come January 2009, we will have a biracial President or a female Vice-President or perhaps even an African-American female President. Now, isn't that something?

It's taken a long time, from the Civil War to the Suffrage movement to the Civil Rights movement to the Equal Rights Amendment all the way to 2008. And we're here. A place where no matter what happens, history will be made this November.

Congratulations to Sarah Palin, Barack Obama, and Cynthia McKinney for being a part of history.

And now, who will Ledesma endorse? Stay tuned.

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